Friday, July 4, 2014

Cutie Patutie

What a treat! While Cassandra is still in Winnipeg I get to spend a week with my little niece here in Long Island NY. She kills me with cuteness on average once every five minutes! She says the funniest things… and in a Long Island baby accent! I cry “Oh my God!” so much I must seem like a teenage girl.

So smart.
Q: What does a pirate say? A: Argh!!!
Q: How old are you? A: Two!
Q: What’s my name? A: Uncle John!
(note: all answers are actually exclaimed!)

She can pretty much parrot anything you say. It’s so fun!

She’ll quickly pick out planes, helicopters, ambulances, trains and school buses.

It’s been a big week for our little darling; swimming lessons, the beach, little science camp, children’s museum. She’s kicked a pack a day pacifier habit and is now potty training, without incident (yet).

We just celebrated her second birthday. Big girl! Most of the party was nine adults sitting around in awe watching this little darling do one cute thing after another.

Nurture? Nature? Obviously both with these amazing parents! Mom and dad extraordinaire! Love, patience, teamwork. It’s inspiring to watch.

We love you Josie!

 Who's happiest?

Children's Museums floor me!
Covert attack on China, high five!!

Biker babe!

Put a bow in your hair for once aha!

Play theme song to Reservoir Dogs


Catch Phrase!

La Familia (sans Papa)

Old baby through a window trick

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